Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The degrees of wind

A wind blows cool though
mountain passes, freezing
tender shoots of plants into
dancing figurines of green ice.

A wind roars through city
noise, rippling against concrete
curbs, eddying small swirls of
asphalt dust, crushed stone.

A wind gentles tasseling
acres of corn as
it waves fields of
wheat ready for harvest.

A wind blows hot across
scorched sand, cleansing as
it ignites grains into
tongues of fire.

A wind whispers across
words and language until
pausing amid the leaves of
the olive trees.

A wind rustles, feathers,
freshens and cools, like
tiny droplets of water on
parched lips.

Check One-Stop Poetry for other poems linked for One-Shot Wednesday.


  1. there is so much in the wind...and you showed many of its various personalities...i like this one glynn...a wind blows through...nice oneshot!

  2. From just a breath to a howling gale, the wind does indeed have many moods. nice One Shot.

  3. Interesting to follow a wind and its character, which in term can be a powerful metaphor for the complexities of an individual life.
    I have posted two poems this week. On not saying hello is new but Kingpin Baby was posted up on a quiet Sunday so I thought I’d give it another outing. Both are adaption of different formal poetry forms – pantoum and sonnet.

  4. What intrigues me most is how you capture "degrees" of wind. Elements of personification really bring out the universality of it, though with different effects in various instances/places. Very well done, Glynn. cheers

  5. Indeed it does! Could almost reach out and touch each and every breeze you described! Dig it for sure!

  6. "Strange things blow in through my window on the wings of the night wind and I don't worry about my destiny."
    - Carl Sandburg

  7. The many "faces" of the wind. I so enjoy your poetry Glynn.

  8. the wind..it is one mystery that carries all..and breathes life and death. lovely post..thanks for sharing with one shot..:))

  9. love the wind....a lot of people do not like it...but it is filled with mystery....nice write..bkm

  10. What I especially like is the way you return to the water metaphor, from the "tender shoots" iced to the "tiny droplets of water/ on parched lips".

    This is about much more than wind, which itself is a wonderful metaphor here. It is the Breath of life.

  11. you make me feel it, waft of wind, and his presence in it... holy. thank you.

  12. I'm thinking the wind stops for no one or nothing - it has it's own purpose and direction.

    Thank you for blowing the direction of One Shot

    moon whisper in the wind

  13. The many faces of wind, nature and ourselves. This has a nice flow Glynn. the first stanza is my favourite, but your painting of the many facets is beautiful.
    Thanks for stopping by my One Shot

  14. Beautiful images, giving all the colors of the wind. Growing up on the high plains I know those colors and I've heard those sounds, so frightening to some so comforting to me. I think this work is beautiful, a very successful poem. Thank you.

  15. Hi Glynn...i loved the different characters you gave the wind in this piece...it was an excellent poem and i shall say it again from an excellent poet..cheers Pete

  16. Oh fabulous wind, the power and gentleness. great imagery here.

  17. Glenn i enjoyed your "Character study" of the wind

  18. Glenn, I enjoyed my visit to your blog and your wonderful poem.

  19. This reminded me of the drastic difference in seasons. The imagery is so crisp, I can feel the wind!

  20. Reminded me of Elijah...

    A wind "tore the mountains
    and broke in pieces the rocks
    before the LORD," herald to
    a still, small voice.

  21. Donavon said the answer my friend is blowing in the wind, and indeed it is.
    I especially love the last two stanzas

    "A wind whispers across
    words and language until
    pausing amid the leaves of
    the olive trees.

    A wind rustles, feathers,
    freshens and cools, like
    tiny droplets of water on
    parched lips."

  22. Thank you for showing us the many faces of wind. Nicely done.

    DEFINITION: That certain, undefinable quality of the letter "E"

  23. what i love about the wind is that you can never describe it for what it is, only for what it does.

    nicely done

  24. Some great little jewel like stanzas, I really like this piece

  25. I love the wind. I so enjoyed this poem. :)

  26. I really enjoyed the flow of this poem... It's so interesting to see how the wind stirs up life in almost everything it touches..
    You've put it so beautifully here... I particularly LOVED the 4th stanza, the one about the sands.. it's so vivid and amazing!!!

  27. Wind and the whispering of trees. One can never capture the wind, but you have come as close as anyone can. Wonderful windy imagery.

  28. Very nicely written...beautiful effects in the wind. Please send some here, its been incredibly hot...we need breezes ;)


  29. Great imagery. "tender shoots of plants into / dancing figurines of green ice" - so fabulous. I love the varying personalities you gave the wind. Many thanks for sharing.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Now this is a great depiction of the wind in so many versions. Never thought anyone could write so much about the wind but you just did. Great job.

    P/S Sorry about my typo in the earlier comment :)

  32. Really great juxtaposition of images here & beautifully written!
