Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Canyoned Soul

The hole in my soul gapes
wide, deep, a canyoned
vacuum walled high,
unrecognizable when
experienced at ground level
but viewed clearly from
the high place, from which
its dryness, its awful
hardness is seen to contain
a small sliver of watery hope.

Photograph by Trent Chau, used with permission for the One Shot Sunday Photo Challenge. To see other poems for this photograph, please visit One Stop Poetry.


  1. Very well done. The contrasting perspective from ground level to scenic vantage adds dimension to the poem.

  2. Wonderful way to describe the canyon.

  3. The friction you create between ground level and scenic vista... amazing!

  4. Your deeply carved soul is revealed more and more and your words water me. Thanks Glynn

  5. I like this line especially: ". . . a canyoned /vacuum walled high".

    Your words complement the image well.

  6. Clear and effective imagery, especially the reference to water; which to me seemed the real focal point of this photo. Liked it v much.

  7. iLike it whole and its parts. Both. Very much. Today is an emo day, good to have it on the menu.

  8. nice! liked it very much. Perfect poem for the photo

    thank you

  9. oh...i see that hope shining!

  10. there's a refreshing there ... waiting

  11. loved the "small sliver of watery hope" - from above we see clearly what is, and also what can be. well done!

  12. I like this very much. Your soul as the canyon - love the lines "a canyoned vacuum walled high" - great description and a great finish "a small sliver of watery hope" love it!

  13. Gorgeous images here Glynn.

  14. That sliver of hope - it is the treasure.
    I have known that place, felt those things - longed for that hope.
    So good Glynn
    (Thank you so much for including me in your saturday post. I can't tell you how much it means. You are so kind.)

  15. Lovely, Glynn.

    Sometimes just a sliver of hope is all we have and hopefully all we need to sustain us.

  16. My husband wants to see the Grand Canyon one day. It looks like that's where the picture is from.

  17. i loved especially how you ended and that the watery sliver is there...not only do we miss the gaping hole but the watery sliver until we take to the heights...I am enjoying all of the different perspectives on this picture...especially yours:)

  18. The slivery hope, just got this poem together! very nice interpretation.
