Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Most Perfect Shell

In late afternoon chill,
he faces a dying sun,
abandoned by its oiled
and lotioned congregation.
The clouds refract the
light through dust,
radiating yellows, paling;
oranges fading, pink;
blues turning, gray.
The sand is cool on
his feet, now.
He and the boy had
searched for shells and
found a few for a slight
memory but nothing
of much consequence
except they found them
together, all they had now.
He squats to scoop sand
with his hands, the slender,
masculine fingers funneling
the grains away. He scoops
again and sees a glimmer,
half of three quarters hidden,
a reflection of color and form.
Dusting the sand away he sees
a most perfect shell,
abandoned by some mollusk
fleeing the beauty of its
house, the shell he and
the boy had sought.
Standing, he arcs the shell
into the surging waves.

To see more poems submitted for One Shot Wednesday, please visit One Stop Poetry. The links is live at 4 p.m. central time today.

Photograph: Pacific Sunset by Andrew Schmidt via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. sending it back from where it came

    i like
    half of three quarters hidden

  2. "he scoops again"

    I liked that.

    The ending felt very sad to me.

  3. oh yeah i feel the sadness...and wishing perhaps for another chance...with his boy. nice one shot!

  4. Oh wow. I hope you know how much I love your writings.

  5. there is something so bonding about seashell hunting. This quest must continue I think for the man

    what a wonderful poem to ponder to the depths

    Thanks for the One Shot

    Moon smiles

  6. Strong writing. I waded yet felt pulled through the writing, and then the lovely arc of the shell at the end. Great!

  7. A bonding moment with a tinge of sadness.I always love to connect visual with words.And I totally love the one you used.Like a taste of what is coming when I saw it.

    Always a joy to discover a treasure.A great one shot!

  8. I'm a fan of beach-combing (something I don't get to indulge in often enough) so this really resonated with me. I loved "oiled and lotioned congregation" as a term for 'sun worshippers' - very apt!

  9. I didn't see the sadness - I saw the circle of life - from the sea it came and to it returned - the beauty, the perfection, the joy and in time always so fleeting; just capture the moment..that's how I unfolded it today. Beautiful Glynn

  10. Dear Glynn

    Its very interesting verse.. I enjoyed the way you have portrayed your thoughts... here.

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay
    Blog: http://shadowdancingwithmind.blogspot.com

  11. i leave near the coast and love spending time with the kids beachcombing...i love the passing of time.....and to return the shell...for others to discover...cheers pete

  12. for all the poetry i write...o cant even spell the word live....it should have said i live near the coast....oh well...cheers pete
