Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

A lot of good stuff got posted on the web last week. A tiny bit of it is linked below.

I've been asked if I read everything I link here and tweet, and the answer is yes, I do. I feel like if I'm going to recommend someone spend some time reading something, then I better read it first. I usually pull from blogs, but occasionally from online news media. The first link below, "Dear Nate," is from ESPN, and it's wonderful. And there are stories about hope, why church hurts, Plato and a platypus and giving God your resume; poems about leaving New York, being a family, lovers and red tape; and some stunning photographs.


Dear Nate” by Tom Friend for

A Few Words: Building Imagination” and "Bridal Slam" by Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact.

There Was Hope. (A Story)” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Going back when going forward” by Claire Burge at Claire B.

The Running Company Lady” by Deidra Riggs at Jumping Tandem.

Why Church Hurts” by Matt Appling at The Church of No People.

If We’re Just Passing Through, Why Do We Try So Hard to Settle In?” by Peter Pollock at Rediscovering the Church.

Mother” by Marty Duane Scott at Scribing the Journey.

Plato and a platypus walk into a bar” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

What About Bob?” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

Musings on Being Near-Sighted” and "The Pick of the Litter" by Harriett Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.

Crazy Love” by Fatha Frank at Public Christianity.

Snow Tapestry” by Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver.

The Only Solution is Revolution” and "God, here's my resume" by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.

The Happiest Employee on Earth” by Bradley Moore at Shrinking the Camel.

Legos and Pollies” by Jennifer Dukes-Lee for Marty Duane Scott’s Scribing the Journey, and "What It Really Means to Worship" by Marty Duane Scott for Jennifer Dukes-Lee's Getting Down with Jesus.

The support for community” (or Why I Love My Church) by Michelle DeRusha for the Lincoln (NB) JournalStar.

Rest Area” by Jay Cookingham at Soulfari.

"Loss" by Michael Perkins at Untitled.

"Jesus Wears Snowshoes" by Brock Henning for

"This is My Blue Sky" by Erin Ski! at Grady's Secret. (Hat tip to Marcus Goodyear)

"A Brother's Love" by Jason Bourne at Jason's Spinal Bifida Journey.


Tears That Cry” and “To and Fro” by Anthony Souls at Art Comet.

Over Easy, We” and "The Stories We Tell" by Brian Miller at WayStationOne.

Tides of Desolation” by Chris Smith at Welsh Poet.

Leaving New York” by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality.

The Return of the Sunday Sonnet” by Milton Brasher-Cunningham at Don’t Eat Alone.

Chosen” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

To Be a Family” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

The Lovers” and "Chords of Life" by Arron Palmer.

Red Tape” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Words” by Nancy Rosback at Nance Marie.

Jane Austen Dwells” by B.K. McKenzie at Signed…BKM.

Christmas Day Orphans” by A Simple Country Girl at Aspire to Lead a Quiet Life.

Familiarity” by Matt Quinn at Poemblaze.

Paintings and Photographs

Edmund Dulac’s 1911 Illustration of the Princess and the Pea” via Abraham Piper.

This is My Father’s World” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

Unfinished Dance” by Karen Eck at Karenee Art.

Still Life" by ELK at Red or Gray.

Verisimilitude,” “Needles ‘n Thread” and “The Fall” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Up from the Creek,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.


"The Laugh of Recognition" by Over the Rhine.

Photograph: Beach by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


  1. You are always such a light in cyberland Glynn.

    Like the new photo.

    And thanks for the call-out. That story just sort of wrote itself. While it wasn't 'true' - it unfortunately a part of the reality of the world in which I work.


    Have a great weekend.


  2. Wonderful selection.

    Thank you for including me.

  3. "Dear Nate" is a fabulous post. The mix of narrative and letters to Nate from his father is deeply moving. And that ending... unforgettable.

  4. Looking forward to these ... and thank you!

  5. *blushes*

    Aww, thanks. You really made my day.

  6. Thanks so much for including me!

    You read so much in the week!

  7. These Saturday posts of yours are always wonderful. Thanks so much for including me.

  8. Thank you again for including me in your list, Glynn. It is an honor and you are such an encouragement! Blessings...
