Saturday, July 16, 2011

After the fire

The fireball smashed
through the ceiling
we call sky, creating
a hole large enough
to watch cumulus clouds
pour in, a conflagration
of humidity and vapor,
a confluence of fire and ice.
After the fire drowned
itself, I looked to see
if heaven had opened.
Outside, blinding light
overwhelmed the night.

This poem is dedicated to Adam Dustus and Chris Galford, who have spent an enormous amount of time and effort for many months in interviewing photographers and bring some of the most incredible photographs to One Stop Poetry. Thanks, guys; you gave a lot of yourselves to benefit the rest of us.

This poem is submitted for the final One Shot Sunday hosted by One Stop Poetry. To see other poems submitted and an interview with photographer Rosie Grady, please visit One Stop Poetry.

Photograph by Rosie Hardy for One Stop Poetry. Used with permission.


  1. Glynn, thanks for the shout out at the end of your post for Chris and me. Much appreciated, as is your enthusiasm for helping spread word of fellow poets, especially on Twitter, Wednesdays and Sundays in particular.

    And what a scene you paint with fine-tuned words, my friend. A palpable atmosphere created in relative few words to accompany the cool image. Way to end with inspiration! See ya around.

  2. You really took the picture and made good of it, every word is somehow related to the prompt, nice one shot

  3. praise the lord when it happens...i look forward to that day...thank you for being ever the supporter and encourager glynn....

  4. Wow, Glynn, this is nothing short of spectacular - what a vision!

    Loved it.

  5. I love it's transcendence...the images and your poems. So many things in this world afford an upward glance or a heavenly stare.

  6. the light will always be stronger than the darkness..that was my fav picture as well...there's so much destruction but also so much hope in it - and you captured this perfectly glynn

  7. Very meaningful and hopeful tribute.. thank you~

  8. to watch cumulus clouds
    pour in, a conflagration
    of humidity and vapor,
    a confluence of fire and ice

    This brought everything home for me, well done.

  9. have been a wonderful supporter...and were a great feature too..take care my friend...pete

  10. Wow Glynn -- this is fabulous -- as always.

    After the fire drowned


  11. Smooth and expert handling of opposites and contrast to produce a sense of unease and destruction, finally resolved in the strong finish. Always enjoy your work, Glynn, and this is especially apropos of today's sad ending to a fine series of prompts.

  12. blinding light... yes, I'm sure that after darkness, that is always welcomed! very nice.

  13. Well-done, Glynn; a fine interpretation of the image, which is open to so many possibilities.

  14. Very nice...loved that last line of the light overcoming the night...a fine write..

  15. It's like a still movie picture allow your mind to make it,with your words and Rosie picture.

  16. It's been a pleasure having you consistently grace us with your poetry at One Shoot, Glynn. Lovely interpretation in this - hopeful, in its last, destruction rivets throughout...atmospheric. Thank you for the ending shout to me and Adam - you and the rest of this supportive community have made it a wonder of a job, lo these many months. Cheers, friend, to all that has come, and all that is yet to come!

  17. Stunning write... imagery that carries further out, beyond the boundaries, into the atmosphere.

    Wonderfully shared.
