Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Physical Therapy

Shift your weight,
she says, to the left,
breathe deeply
to lift the right;
my brain laughs
at the novelty
until I laugh back.
Focus. Left. Focus.
Re-teach the brain.
Re-learn, brain,
as it is. Lean into
the pain, she says,
place the weight
on the pain. Don’t
fight it; move into it.
Surprised, the pain

This poem is submitted for One Shot Wednesday hosted by One Stop Poetry. To see more submitted poems, please visit One Stop Poetry. The links will be live at 4 p.m. Central time today.


  1. As I'm sure they've told you, backaches do go away. You'll be back on your bike in a few days.

  2. on one level this hurts on another there is relief...i hear you...crushed both legs at 16 and had to go through PT...not a lot of fun at times...

  3. No aches and pains yet, but this doesn't sound fun, although when relief comes can go back to fun.

  4. That...does not sound pleasant at all. Very thankful for health...reminds me of my brother, though. He's going through physical therapy himself at the moment, following surgery on his back...

  5. This is a fine little poem. I love the use of common phrases and working them into a rhythm, The ending works perfectly.

  6. Love this, seems like a poetic diary of your pain and treatment. Libby @Libbypoetry

  7. It is a gift to turn poetry from moments like these...and you have the gift!

  8. Don't ever go into labour Glenn! LOL A good write here.

  9. It is all too easy to feel the pain. Ugh, I keep having to wiggle my toes to be sure they won't hurt.

    Good poem.

  10. Oh nice write, I could actually FEEL this one! Totally been there too. Hang in there, it will get better :-)

  11. So many use poetry to write away their emotional pain. In a clever piece of verse, you appear to have written away physical pain, as well. Well done, Glynn!

  12. Glad you are getting some help. Your descriptions actually had me lifting mine... haha. Pain complies when we stop fearing it too. Thank God for PTs. Continued blessings of healing.

  13. counterintuitive...says it all.

  14. It seems an odd concept but moving to the pain is a beautiful expression of the way our body heals. Great write ~ Rose

  15. concrete,yet more than concrete, and a perfect ending :)

  16. Exquisite description.

    Praying you get better soon.

  17. An encouraging poem Glynn. Lean into the pain , and create poetry---
