Tuesday, August 9, 2011


It is the hour of blue
and yellow, precisely
the mid-point of day,
a sun arcing overhead,
umbrella of light.
No return is possible;
only a waning and
growing shadows
to be accepted. And
so we rest, our work
piled high around us,
a coarsely sewn pillow
for barefoot dreams.

This poem is submitted for Open Mike Night at dVerse Poets. To see more poems, please visit the site. The links will be live at 2 p.m. Central time today.

Illustration: Noon Rest from Work by Vincent Van Gogh, Musee d’Orsay, Paris.


  1. Love the pic, yeah we always need to take a break, no matter how much work there is. "barefoot dreams" was a great line!

  2. Loved the last line... your poem refreshing.

  3. I like imagining that "hour of blue/and yellow", which are Monet colors, too.

  4. I really like the coarsely sewn pillow.

  5. Love the painting and your words. The last line just perfect :)

  6. mmm...this just feels good glynn...i would not mind a bit of a seista occassionally...

  7. I like the titles you have chosen for both this and Terce to set the time of day.

  8. Love Vincent! You've captured that moment of rest perfectly! I can smell the hay, feel the sun's heat on the bluejeans, the sweat...all of it. Little Boy Blue....

  9. ..both your words and imagery so reminds of my rural days staring at the golden fields of palay… what a peaceful read.. i like the painting by the ever great Vincent Van Gogh.. thanks for sharing!

  10. The Sixth Hour
    HIgh noon
    with work that
    makes a bed
    and shade
    no such thing
    for me today
    with wine bottles
    boxes and tape

    totally beautiful poem :-)

  11. Those last two lines are absolutely gorgeous.

  12. The sweet rest and release perfectly expressed. Nice.

  13. I am beginning to have a real appreciation for your work Glynn, you have a wonderful way with words! This picture and small verse go together wonderfully, and as Queen of naps I speak from a position of Authority when I say they are perfect!! Well done Glynn.

  14. Love the coarsely sewn pillow...my grandmother made us pillows out of straw on the farm...and we did sleep on them..this hit home...beautiful write..bkm

  15. coarsely sewn pillow
    for barefoot dreams

    is a great ending!

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  16. Great feeing runs thru this poem and drizzles down in exhausted reverie from the great painting and inspiration.

    This piece put me in mind of Tolstoy which cant be bad

  17. great strength in brevity here and the closure is just lovely. Thanks for sharing

  18. The prompt image is lovely, your words put the final point to it. Lovely write ~ Rose

  19. Lovely words, for a sweet image. I particularly like 'umbrella of light' and 'barefoot dreams'.

  20. we rest so we may continue...
    lovely poem..
