Thursday, December 1, 2011

"I Just Had to Publish It"

Today on his blog, my publisher, Mark Sutherland of Dunrobin Publishing, talks about reading and publishing Dancing Priest.

And, yes, I'm very glad he felt that way. Actually, I'm thrilled he felt that way.

I could probably think of a few more words to describe how I feel: excited, gratified, thankful, blessed, struck dumb, amazed, trying to keep myself from breaking out in gigantic smiles, acting goofy, teary-eyed, and humbled are a few that come to mind.

It's a scary thing for me to put on display for the world to see a part of me that's been private for almost a decade. You write a book, any book, and you know it's part of you, and you're getting ready to expose it. It's similar to the time I first posted a poem on this blog, but about 100 times more accentuated.


  1. I understand one of your comments very well. I've been working/writing a couple of books for some years, and, yes, they are fictionalized. But they also are very NON-fictional, especially since I don't live in another world. Makes the writing/editing/thinking process a bit scary sometimes. I'm so happy for you, though, and hope you can act goofy and have gigantic smiles for days and days and days. Blessings.

  2. Congrats my brother! I guess I need to add a new book to my list!

  3. I started reading your book. I finished one due at the library first.
    So far i keep getting all into the story and then every once in awhile it will pop into my head "hey, Glynn wrote this" it's just plain weird...then i get all absorbed again.


  4. 'Dar it [the cover] is" -- I was a blog behind, or a blog ahead, or ...

    never mind...

    and I meant to say on the last comment that I love the look of the kitchen.
