Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

It’s been a good year for good stuff online, and it ends well. Shawn Smucker has a good story that’s a reminder for fathers. Kathy Richards has something to say about all those Christmas gifts. Dave Wheeler writes a psalm. Tim Good has some spectacular photographs “form his desk.” T.S. Eliot reads about the magi. And much, much more.

Happy New Year!


I Dare Me” by Michael Perkins at the Handwritten.

Christmas Is Gone and I’m Glad” by Sandra Heska King.

Freelancing: Fiction and Reality” by Joshua Spotts at A Writer’s Mind.

A Reminder to Fathers for 2012” by Shawn Smucker.

Christmas Break” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.

Oh, you shouldn’t have” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Beyond Peaceful Facades” by Jason Stasyzsen at Connecting to Impact.


Steve Turner” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

That My Hands Might Open” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Nothing But Words” by Leslie Moon at Moondustwriter.

Psalm” by Dave Wheeler at Dave Writes Right.

Prairie Ramble” by Tim Good at Poetry by Tiwago.

Maddening” by Bradley Moore at And the Other Things Is.

And So I Sing” by Patricia Spreng at Lovepats.

Paintings and Photographs

The Oak in Winter” by Randall David Tipton at Painter’s Process.

Watching” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

In the Winter, You Wait for Spring” by Kelly Sauer.

Photography ay Lockport Prairie Reserve” and “Photography from My Desk” by Tim Good at Photography by Tiwago.

Yummy” by Claire Burge.

Short Stories

Technology Disruptions” by Claire Burge.

Videos and Podcasts

Interview with Maurice Sendak” by the Tate Galleries.

The Journey of the Magi” read by T.S. Eliot.

Miniatur Wunderland” – the largest model railway in the world.

My Song is Love Unknown” by St. Martin’s Choir.

Painting: Duccio di Buoninsegna. Maestà (front, predella): The Presentation in the Temple. 1308-11. Tempera on wood panel. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena, Italy.


  1. Who would ever have thought that we'd have books published this year?! Holding mine in my hands was one of my happiest take-aways in 2011.

    Thank you for including my poem here and for bringing such a wealth of good writing to everyone's attention. You should be in your own lists more often.

    Wishing you all the joys of the season and much continuing writing success. Happy New Year, Glynn!

  2. I was thinking about your Saturday reads and Maureen's sharings this morning and it struck me that both of you have brought amazing wonder and joy to my world through your sharing -- and I am grateful.

    Thank you for filling 2011 with so many treasures. I take away gratitude as 2011 slides into a New Year.

    Happy New Year Glynn to you and your family.

  3. Happy New Year, Glynn, and may 2012 hold much sweetness for you and your family. And thanks for including me here. All these friendships I've made from The High Calling continue to bless me more each year. Grateful for yours.

  4. Mom always told me never to talk to strangers... thank God I disobeyed. I have never met a better group of strangers than here and through THC (not that you are strange, of course ;)

    Thank you for including me today. Without even knowing it, you have helped me navigate through my first year of blogging. I am grateful for your trustworthy guidance and encouragement.

    God's continued blessings to you and your family in this new year.

  5. What everyone else said. Grateful for them. For you. Blessed. Big time.

    Happy New Year, Glynn. And hugs to Cameron.

  6. May you reap in the measure you have sown! Blessings for 2012 and deep appreciation.

  7. If I should ever be so blessed as to be included on any list that you compile, I think my life might just be complete. For you are a most gifted list-maker, indeed, and this is a wonderful one, Glynn. Thanks for it.
