Thursday, January 12, 2012

30 Days of Faith

Writer Mike Dellosso has been publishing "30 Days of Faith" at his blog this month, posting a contribution on a story of faith each day from readers. Today (Day 11 in the series) he has a contribution from me.

I've told this story before, but there's a new wrinkle (which I don't mention in the post). In December, I was having breakfast with a good friend who is a missionary in Costa Rica. He and his family were on a home visit and we had some time to catch up. He was telling me about their mission work, and I was telling him about my new book, Dancing Priest. We then talked about the possibilities for short-term mission work, and I mentioned the trip I took to Central Europe in 2002.

And then it hit me. During that trip, our team met with a young German minister in Erfurt who was ministering to scores of people following a shooting at a local high school; 13 people, including the gunman, had been killed. I've described what happened before, but during my breakfast conversation with my friend, I realized that the minister had inspired the character of Michael Kent in my novel.

I could almost hear the click-click-click as all the brain synapses connected.


  1. a connection during a connection!

  2. Remarkable how those things happen.

  3. Fun, isn't it? Love the way bits and pieces are planted in our heart and mind... and we don't even know the seeds are there and will become fruitful at just the right time.
