Sunday, January 22, 2012

I am a path

I am a path, hard packed
and well trodden; seed
falls for the birds to eat.

I am a rocky place, jagged
and thin; shallow; seed
falls, sprouts, dies.

I am a thorn, sharp
and puncturing; seed
falls and I strangle it.

I am good soil, deep
and rich and full; seed
falls and bears abundance.

I am all of these.

Painting: The Sower by Vincent Van Gogh (1888), Kroller-Muller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the flow and I find it very interesting. It sparks a few thoughts.

  2. Yes, we are all of the above from time to time. Hopefully, we'll finally become all good soil. Hopeful here.

  3. Yes, we all do it... back and forth. My hope... to some day be a harvest-focused child with heart-loving my Father. Thank you.

  4. Glynn, I JUST read this in Luke 8 the other day....I'd so like to always be the seed in good soil, but it's the persevering (v. 15) part that is the challenge.
    beautiful imagery.

  5. you just reminded me...i was thinking of starting a compost pile this summer.
