Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kathy Richards Reviews "Dancing Priest"

Kathy Richard, aka Katdish, aka she of the Katdishionary (not to mention all those Sky Mall posts) has posted a review of Dancing Priest at her blog. She says:

"It is a novel in the traditional sense, but it is so much more. It is a testimony of God’s grace and mercy weaved into the lives of its characters. It is a powerful reminder to live intentional lives for Jesus. That while there is loss, heartache and pain for every one of us, there is also great joy."

To read the review, please visit Katdish. And she's doing a giveaway!


  1. So many good reviews on your book.

  2. So happy for you -- and I love the positive reviews you are receiving.


  3. Ooh, I love this quote from Kathy. I'll have to go read more...

  4. Good review... obviously filled with a clear heart. You're one blessed guy! [As are we for having the access to the book!]
