Sunday, April 22, 2012

Listening to Ravi Zacharias

Last night, my wife and I heard Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias speak at one of the local churches in St. Louis. Our own church, Central Presbyterian Church, was the host, but our church sanctuary is too small to accommodate the crowds that would come to hear Zacharias.

And come they did.

We first heard him speak on a radio program some 14 or 15 years ago. We were returning home from a family vacation at Gulf Shores, Alabama, and my wife was trying to find a radio station somewhere in rural Mississippi. She finally found one, and we listened to an incredible program, by a man with a wonderful speaking voice and an intellect to match. We had never heard of him before, but now we have, many times.

Here are a few of the notes I took last night:

“The hostility of atheists to Christianity is nothing more than hate and venom masquerading as intellectual thought.”

“Truth is that which conforms to reality as it really is. Truth, by definition, excludes. Truth is exclusionary.”

“Sin is never rational. Sin is never common-sensical. The human heart is desperately wicked.”

“God still uses us in spite of ourselves.”

I’ll have more on what he said tomorrow.


  1. So glad I popped on at just the right time to see this. Being in the middle of Jeremiah and Ezekiel [my Reese Chronological Bible]much of this time, just reminds me so much of what we, as Christians, in our present-day culture [both here and world-wide] is walking through over and over again. Need to stay on target and not become flexible and un-Truth focused.

    Looking forward to more. And you and your wife were blessed abundantly to be at the ... as I often say ... "right place, right time".

  2. good post...bring it on.

  3. Ravi Zacharias is so good. I just had my eleventh grade Bible class read "Jesus among other gods."

    Glad to hear it was good and thanks for the notes. Can't wait to hear more about it.

  4. This is one of those "I wish I would have been there," times. Looking forward to what else you share.

  5. What a wonderful experience Glynn. I would love to hear him speak in person. I am always blown away by the depth of his knowledge and wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to more.
