Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday Good Reads

It’s Holy Week, and the death and resurrection of Christ is much on the minds of the online community. David Rupert thinks about taking a nap – the Garden of Gethsemane. Kathy Richards considers the cross – upside down. Anita Mathias reflects on how the failures of Friday are made beautiful. Amy Leigh Cutler learns holy. And more.


Doubt” by Jake Lee at Very Much Later.

The Gospel Considered” by Bob Spencer at The Gospel Chronicles.

Exposing My Weak Christianity” by Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact.

Temptations Stop” by Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage.

The cross turned upside down” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Napping in Gethsemane” by David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.


A furrowed field” by B.K. Mckenzie at Signed…BKM.

Storm light” by Timothy Good at Poetry by Tiwago.

All Green Went My Love Riding” by e.e. cummings, read by Tom O’Bedlam at Spoken Verse.

Don’t Mess with Poets” by Megan Willome.

Lenten Journal: Nod over coffee” by Milton Brasher-Cunningham at Don’t Eat Alone.

Richard Greene” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

In a New York minute” by Brian Miller at Way Station One.

Mud Angels” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

He Makes the Failures of Friday Beautiful in His Time” by Anita Mathias at Dreaming Beneath the Spires.

Cross Stitched” by Jerry Barrett at Gerald the Writer.

Maundy Thursday (how I learned holy)” by Amy Leigh Cutler at Making It.

Paintings and Photographs

Eggsactly” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Silent Moon” by Paul Batch at Paul Batch Painting.

A Lone Tree in a Woods” and “Cardinal” by Timothy Good at Photography by Tiwago.

Estuary Island” by Randall David Tipton at A Painter’s Process.

Videos and Podcasts

Me and My Cello – So Happy Together” by the Piano Guys.

Photograph: Stone Cross at Sunset by Jiri Hodan via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. Love the cello video. Thanks Glynn!

  2. Thank you, Glynn. I never expected anyone but me to appreciate this poem. But it's about more than what actually happened that morning at the pool.

  3. Oh, and that cello video was delightful!

  4. I so enjoy your Saturday specials! Thanks so much for doing this, Glynn! Hope you have a very blessed Easter!

  5. Glynn!

    In a former life, I played Happy Together more times than the Turtles ever did. It is the happiest song ever written, in any genre. No one doesn't like it.

  6. Thank you for including "Mud Angels", Glynn. Your own Holy Week poems deserve a shout-out.

    Wishing you the blessings and promise of Easter.

  7. :-)

    i am not a robot...and i can prove it...


  8. thank you sir glynn....and i hope that you, your family and all your readers have a wonderful easter!

  9. Thanks so much for including my post, Glynn. And that cello video was just awesome-sauce! :) Thanks for sharing.

  10. Easter blessings, Glynn ... and thank you.

  11. yep...more time for painting.

    it says to type to "words" to prove i'm not a robot...but, the words don't look much like words to me.

    sdapho Janyar ? is that robot language?

  12. Ditto on "Napping at Gethsemane" by David. Loved that post.
