Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Good Reads

A meditation on prayer. A poem about mail order brides. The collision of two worlds. A poem about cowboys – or a cowboy – like I never read before. John Cleese reads The Screwtape Letters. And Wendell Berry with a marvelous lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities. So much good stuff.


Pay the Writer: What do you think?” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Tebow” by A.G. Harmon for Image Journal.

In hall bathroom” and “Reflection on Scratch Paper” by Harriett Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.

Lost and found” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Letting go, I become that which I hold onto” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses” by Geoffrey James for Inc. Magazine. (Hat tip: Jim Schmotzer)

Two Worlds Collide” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children If They Are Listening.

The Work of Prayer” by Daniel Donovich at The Itinerant D.

Why Storytellers Lie” by Maura Kelly for The Atlantic (Hat tip: Billy Coffey)

It All Turns on Affection,” 2012 Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities by Wendell Berry.


Who do you love,” “Sky” and “Day” by Nancy Rosback at A Little Somethin’.

Yun Tongju” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

I Was Thinking” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

Mail order brides from the coffee shop” by Brian Miller at WayStationOne.

What Light Fell and Burned After” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

Ars Poetica” by Chris Yokel.

Two Wings Align” by B.K. McKenzie at Signed…BKM.

Cowboys Flirt, Mouth-First” by Darlene at Simply Darlene.

Paintings and Photographs

Aspiring to Altitude: A Door Opens” and “Aspiring to Altitude: or Fear of Landing” by J of India at Neither Use Nor Ornament.

Housekeeping 101” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Silvery Checkerspot” by Tim Good at Good Photography.

Over the Sea,” watercolor by Randall David Tipton at A Painter’s Process.


John Cleese reading ‘The Screwtape Letters,’” via Justin Taylor at Between Two Worlds.

Bourne Vivaldi” by The Piano Guys (featured above).


  1. Thank you Glynn! I am off to coach at Choices today but did take a few minutes to browse your list -- Love the Maura Kelly article and Maureen's poems always deepen with each reading.

    Have a joyful day!

  2. Hat tip to you, sir Glynn. Thanks for the nod.

    Wowzer, those piano guys are somethin' to behold. Have you seen them perform in concert? Does anyone stay seated?

    Lots of grande good things here to read... might take an entire week.


  3. I love the piano guys! One of my Pandora stations is movie themes, so I really enjoyed this.

    Also, the John Cleese is fabulous!

  4. Thank you for including my poem, Glynn. Great roundup of wonderful reading.

  5. picked a funny one...thanks for the inclusion and i hope you have a wonderful saturday glynn!

  6. Missed several of these this week. Always appreciate the encouragement you share here.
