Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Good Reads

Thoughts about mothers and Mother’s Day, the irresistibility of a puddle, a little career counseling in the kitchen, trying to fight the rain, an absolutely wonderful video from Procter & Gamble, and a thousand years from the Piano Guys. So much to read, watch and enjoy.


Citizen Kane in 60 Seconds” by Perry Block at Nouveau Old, Formerly Cute.

Which ‘Culture’ Most Threatens the Church?” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.

Katdishionary Part 12 (the Florida edition)” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

The puddle” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Sounds like a sitcom” by Jake Lee at Very Much Later.

Those Glorious Young Stars” by Travis Thrasher at The Journey is Everything.

Mommy’s Just Like Jesus” by Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver.

The Herd” by Michael Perkins at The Handwritten.

Celebrating the Greatest Day” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

The Tyranny of Taste” by Chris Yokel for Curator Magazine.

Finding Something to Worship” by Vic Sizemore for Image Journal.

The Chair” by Jim Schmotzer for Catapult Magazine.


Career Counseling in the Kitchen” by L.L. Barkat at Green Inventions Central.

Will work 4 music but it won’t work 4 me” and “Like trying to fight the rain” by Brian Miller at WayStationOne.

George MacDonald” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

Hair Falling” by Shawn Smucker.

The Rules for Planting Roses” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

One Space: the Final Frontier” by Jerry Barrett at Gerald the Writer.

Fallow Lands” by Chris Galford at The Waking Den.

Sanctuary” by Chris Yokel.

Paintings and Photographs

Iris in the Rain” and “Laying Eggs in a Mirror” by Tim Good at Good Photography.

How to see your soul,” photos by Lydia Lee, text by Jennifer Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

The Followers” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Clearing,” watermedia on paper by Randall David Tipton at A Painter’s Process.


The Poet – Inspired at Last” by Sara Barkat for TweetSpeak Poetry.


The Best Job” by Procter & Gamble.

Christina Perri – A Thousand Years” by the Piano Guys.

Photograph” Storm above the sea by Petr Kratochvil via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. I've been off the blog grid.

    I came over here to get some good Saturday morning reading in with my coffee.

    Thanks for the list.


  2. thanks for the mention Glynn. i am surprised you have time these days with spoiling another grandchild and the labor pains of your second novel!

  3. thank you once again kind sir...hope you have a wonderful saturday! and will pop in on a few before i head out...

  4. I always appreciate being included among so many other wonderful writers. Thank you!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. oooooh
    what a beautiful photograph!

    have a good weekend!

  6. Always find treasure here ... Shawn's poem was especially moving as I have three friends who have lost their hair due to chemo this year ... courageous women all.

    Thank you, Glynn.
