Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update on the Grandsons

I hadn't shared a picture of our new grandson, Caden Thomas Young. He's six weeks old -- but he looks a little older than that. Like his brother, he's a big boy.

Here's Caden at one of his favorite pastimes:

Cameron has taken the new brother in stride.

In fact, Cameron seems quite fond of his brother.

We call them "The Binky Brigade."

Top and bottom photographs by Stephanie Young; middle photography by Janet Young.


  1. Beautiful little boys--or should I say, handsome fellers.

    In either case, enjoy!!

  2. Looks like many fun days lie ahead.

  3. LOL

    I love the second picture of Cameron. His eyes suggest something, don't they?

    Beautiful Boys.

  4. Nice that they both like blue, so they won't be grabbing each other's binkys out of their mouths. They're cute kids and, I'm sure, rank right up as the best in the world.

  5. Binky brigade...nice! They are a handsome duo.
