Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Working Lunch

Today I had guests for lunch at work -- daughter-in-law Stephanie, grandson Cameron and grandson Caden. Cameron polished off most of a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich and a pile of fruit. Caden had already had lunch, or it might have been second breakfast. Stephanie had a salad. I had a ham sandwich.

Caden Young, age 9 weeks; Glynn Young, slightly older than that

With Cameron, one has to take pictures fast, because he thinks every phone is either an iPhone or Andriod phone with his apps.

Cameron Young, age 2, reaching for the phone

After lunch, Stephanie was planning to go to the grocery store, boys in tow. If anyone could manage it, it's her.


  1. I went to the DQ and all's right with the world!

  2. I had to laugh over your title "A Working Lunch" as it popped up in sir David (Red Letter Believers) sidebar whilst I read his piece today on the guilt of working too many hours. I come here and see your "working lunch" isn't so bad after all.


  3. nice lunch.
    oh how i remember those trips to the store...

  4. Yes. that's my kind of working lunch.

  5. Glynn--thanks for sharing the photos of the grandboys during your 'working lunch'. I like the new look of your blog, btw.

