Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weeping Woman

She rises from her bed, weary
to weep in morning light,
naked, her soul exposed
as for the butcher’s
display case. I want to ask
why she is weeping
but I don’t know the words.

This is one of the paintings that I saw at the Edvard Munch exhibit at the Tate Modern in London. Munch painted this scene numerous times, and several of the paintings were grouped together in the same room.

This poem is submitted to Open Link Night at dVerse Poets. To see more poems submitted, please visit the site. The links will be live at 2 p.m. Central time today.

Painting: Weeping Woman (1907) by Edvard Munch.


  1. Nice ekphrastic piece, Glynn. The implications of soul being "exposed / as for the butcher's / display case" speak to such vulnerability, and also isolation.

  2. it can be hard to know the words to say, but most often i find a gentle acknowledgement is all that is needed...nice verse man...been there..

  3. That's a great painting and a solid poem to go with it!

    Makes me want to look at more of the artist's work.

    Congrats Glynn!

  4. A wonderfully emotive capture, Glynn.

  5. I am so enjoying this poetic tour, Glynn :). Lovely.

  6. Munch's approach to painting, his desire to capture the truth of emotion has always fascinated me. How well you touch on this and more here!

  7. perfect words for a powerful image
