Friday, September 14, 2012

“You Are a Writer” by Jeff Goins

It’s simple, straightforward and to the point. And it starts with the best writing advice there is.

You are a writer, says Jeff Goins, so write.

And you are your audience – or at least that’s where you start. So write. And keep writing.

In his compact e-book You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One), Goins concisely covers the basic of what it means to be a writer. How to build a platform. How to establish a brand. How to create channels of connection. And more.

I read this is under an hour, and it’s one of the best uses of reading (and instruction) time I’ve found.

I especially like what he says about social media – de-clutter! Ignore the experts who say you have to do them all; de-clutter and focus, using the best ones for you and work and then use them like they’re meant to be used.

And love what you do. Fall in love with writing. Or fall in love with it again. “The more I love what I do,” Goins says, “the more others do, too. This is the paradox: When you stop writing for readers’ affections, you work will affect more people.”

He followed his own advice. He “focused on the craft and wrote for the love of it.”

That’s what writing is about.


Goins’ blog.


  1. So, I must read this one. Thanks! Looking forward to it.

  2. I attended a presentation the other night by a social media expert. She said the top places to be are FaceBook and Google+, which is now open to anyone.

  3. Glynn, I am so impressed by this young man. He is really good with his simple, direct encouragement.

  4. I'll have to get this one : ) Thanks! I found a Short Story Contest to enter and am working on a piece. Facebook is dangerous for photographers because they claim ownership of the photos you put out. Anything on their servers belongs to them. I like the idea of choosing the social media that's best for you. It's also important to limit personal info.

  5. interesting to think about.
    i think that Love is what comes through the person that writes words, into the words, and then into the person that reads the words. Yes, i think everything should be done by allowing Love to flow through us. As it flows touches us and connects us to God and what He is doing.

    Now that's what i call a channel of connection.

  6. What has Jeff Goins written other than how to write stuff?

  7. Bill, generally, Jeff has written about writing, finding one's calling, work, and creative passion. You can look at his author page on Amazon and see a list.
