Monday, November 19, 2012

Coming Friday - at an Online Bookstore Near You

This Friday, the ebook version of A Light Shining, the sequel to Dancing Priest, will be published. The print version will follow about 10 days later. The publisher is planning some special promotions, a giveaway or two, and a few other things.

The story:

Michael and Sarah Kent-Hughes are married, and living in San Francisco where Michael continues his work as assistant pastor at St. Anselm’s Church. Together, they will experience love, family, change – and the Violence.


  1. So looking forward to this! Hooray!
    Blessings to you, Glynn!

  2. Congratulations, Glynn. Good timing, too.

  3. I will be giving myself a Christmas gift this year! So good to see this news.

  4. Oh happy day! did you run into that women at Laity who was looking for the sequel? She hit me up for it...thinking I was you.

    you're much better looking!
