Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Few Sites I Visit Every Day

I visit a lot of blogs. My RSS reader is rather stuffed, but I see a lot of blogs, both for The High Calling any my own reading.

Here’s a list of a few of the sites I visit every day (sites that publish five times a week or more). I visit them every day because there’s always something of value to find there.

More to the point, I think of all of them as good friends.

The High Calling I’ve been with The High Calling since 2010. I learn so much from the team I work with there.

TweetSpeak Poetry I think of it as my poetry place.

Neither Use Nor Ornament One day, I’d like to visit India. Until then, I visit this site for the glorious display of color.

Writing Without Paper I don’t know how she does it, but Maureen Doallas can find more good stuff about art, literature, poetry and culture in general. And her poems.

Getting Down with Jesus Jennifer Dukes-Lee writes from a farm in Iowa. She used to be a reporter, but she overcame that and went on to higher things.

The Wellspring Laura Boggess writes from the airy heights of West Virginia. She takes great photos, too.

Love to You Nancy Rosback is an artist, photographer, poet, blogger – and loves to change the name of her blog (but keeps the same URL).

Sippican Cottage Greg Sullivan makes furniture (cool stuff) at his home in Maine. He also has something interesting to say. And his two sons have a band.

Just…A Moment Susan Etole has a site that you can go and sit with, ponder the photographs and sparse words, like an online quiet time.

Writing Boots I’ve known David Murray for 20+ years. We knew each other B.W. – Before Web. We have political differences (his are usually wrong). But he is my friend, and he has my great respect. And even affection.

Cycleguy’s Spin Bill Grandi is a pastor in Indiana, reads broadly, and rides a bicycle.

There are some others that I’ll be sharing in future posts.

Photograph by George Hodan via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. It's so lovely to see some of my friends on this list! And some new ones to get to know too!

  2. Am proud to be in such good company. Thank you!

  3. your reader
    you do feed
    and that's
    a lot to read
    but you read fast
    and so at last
    you do breed

    thank you for your friendship, mr. midwest man.
    i love the photo.

  4. Interesting list. I'm checking a few out now.

  5. It's a privilege to be here. Thank you, Glynn, for the encourager you are.

  6. thank you Glynn for reminding us of the good that is out there to enjoy.

    (and thank you for explaining that miss nancy; I thought it was just me being obtuse.)

  7. I am honored Glynn that you would include me in your list. Thanks. And thanks for sharing the others. I plan to get to them within the next day or so.

  8. Glynn, thank you so much for this shout out. Good company, indeed.
