Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Good Reads: A Quartet

Roaming over the internet this week, I happened upon a quartet of posts that had “Saturday Good Reads” written all over them.

Doug Spurling at Spurling Silver

Doug write a story, one that sounds true like all good stories, and I suspect there’s at least some truth to it. But it’s one of those stories you read and say, “Wow that’s a great story.” And I loved the title: Copenhagen Chapel.

Harriett Gilham at The Other Side of the Mountain

Harriett is a retired English schoolteacher in Atlanta, and Atlanta is where she grew up. She writes about family, literature, teaching – and stories about growing up. Like Mostly Shots.

Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage

I’ve been reading Sippican Cottage longer than just about any other blog (including my own). Greg Sullivan makes furniture way up thar in Maine. He used to make furniture in Massachusetts, but that’s another story. He loves music, and he loves fine woodworking. And he has some observations to make in Hey Althouse Readers, this is What IKEA furniture is Good For.

Diana Trautwein for A Deeper Family

Diana blogs at Just Wondering, where she tells stories, posts wonderful photographs (mostly of California), and talks about family. This week she had a guest post at A Deeper Family that is classic Trautwein: A Note to My Younger Self.

Painting: Emerson String Quartet at Tanglewood by J Fox


  1. Thanks so much for this shout-out, Glynn. I am grateful.

  2. I've already read the first two, and I agree, great tellings! I better go see what the other is all about...

