Friday, April 12, 2013

The street stained red

The street turned red,
a deep red scarlet, after
I spilled communion wine
on the sidewalk in front
of the hardware store.
I used the bread to sop
it up, but it kept pouring,
spreading to the street.
Too slow to chase after it,
I watched the stain
turn the street scarlet red,
the wine now sloshing
its way to infinity.


  1. Such imagery! Makes me reflect upon God's infinite love for us . . .
    Blessings, Glynn!

  2. Because Out of the hardware store I came holding three nails--three spikes more like. Puncturing the bread, spilling that which still flows blood red

  3. Wow, Glynn. Reminds me of a scene in the beginning of the book Les Miserables.

  4. the street turned red
    curved right
    then disappeared
    over the rise

  5. Red, the color of joy
    the color of celebration
    the color of life

    Thank you for this imagery. Lovely.

  6. sopping it up with the bread...excellent. Love this one.
