Thursday, January 2, 2014

Semicolon Highlights “A Light Shining”

Semicolon, a blog site that reviews hundreds of books every year, just posted its “12 Best Adult Fiction Books for 2013” list and named my novel A Light Shining as one of the 12. The list also includes novels by Athol Dickson (one of my favorite authors), so I’m really excited to see A Light Shining on a list with him.

You can see the entire list at Semicolon.

Semicolon also named Dancing Priest to the “12 Favorite Adult and Young Adult Fiction Books for 2012” list.

You can read Semicolon’s review of A Light Shining here.

Thank you, Semicolon!


  1. How wonderful for you, Glynn. Congratulations.

  2. Congrats Glynn! I love it when my friends are honored.

  3. Congratulations Glynn! So very well deserved.
