Saturday, February 8, 2014

I'm Sherlocked

Last Sunday night, some people watched the Super Bowl. Well, perhaps a few more than some. I didn’t. My wife and I watched Downton Abbey (and were glad to see Maggie Smith with some acidly wonderful lines again), and then we watched  Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes. If you haven’t seen this version of Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective, then you have missed what is likely the best (and I can say that because I’ve seen them all).

This Sherlock Holmes is the PBS series starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman (Bilbo in The Hobbit). Sunday night was the third (and last) episode of season three. (Only three episodes in a season! What can the British be thinking? Only three?)  I didn’t think the episode could equal the one from the week before – John Watson’s wedding, but it did (it even included a tongue-in-cheek reference to The Hobbit). It’s been a long time since I’ve been this blown away by a television program.

Episode 2 – the wedding – included what has to be one of the most extraordinary wedding toast by a best man (Sherlock) ever. It’s a long segment of the episode; in fact, the episode is largely built around the wedding toast.

As long as it’s available on YouTube, here are two parts of that wedding toast.


  1. I watched both as well.
    Being a total fan of this new Sherlock, i will be waiting along with you, Janet and all the other fans for the next three.

  2. These clips were great! I will definitely watch the next season it's on
    Blessings, Glynn!

  3. Better than Basil and Nigel? I know, they're not traditional and Watson was really nothing like that, but I've watched them most of my life. Even while my freak flag was flying.

  4. My current fave - have to say I'm Sherlocked, too. Love the clips.
