Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throw Out the Marketing Campaign and Start a Real Conversation

An article that I wrote and was originally published by The High Calling has been republished by Mission-Work, a channel of The High Calling at the Patheos Network. Here’s how it starts:

I attended a talk on social media by Jay Baer, co-author of The Now Revolution: 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter and More Social. He was the perfect speaker for the topic– slightly geeky, articulate, deep and with a dry sense of humor.

What he said was this: Business faces a new reality in the online world. People have almost instant access to information, and business must be able to react and respond — fast. Every customer is now a reporter – and every employee a marketer and a customer service person.

Gone are the days when a company can take its time responding to an issue, getting all the experts to weigh in, verifying the situation, and then contemplating and coordinating a proper response. Now you have hours at best. You have to know enough to be able to move — and move now.

To continue reading, please see the post at Mission-Work.

1 comment:

  1. throwing out marketing campaigns would be no great loss to mankind.
