Thursday, May 14, 2015

In Corinth

After Romans 6

I sit in Corinth
this city of pluralisms city
of Roman soliders
gods and goddesses
a polyglot of polyglots
even my beloved ones
tangled in the spider webs
of polyglots

I write to you,
in the center, the center
of this world, this forum
of our world. I long to be
with you, longing
with a terrible fierceness.

I long to hold you, to feel
your faces between my hands.
I know you by scroll
I will know you with faces,
faces like grains of sand.
I will sit with you, breaking
bread. We will sit together,
breaking chains.

Painting: St. Paul, oil on canvas (1606) by El Greco; Museo del Greco, Toledo.


  1. Oh, Glynn, I was intensely moved by this. Sorry it took me until this evening to get to it because I missed out on a joy I could have carried in my heart all day. Know I'm sharing! Blessings!
