Thursday, September 10, 2015


We started from a quiet place
a place of dusty streets and market stalls
noise on market days, noise of animals
and children playing

the world beckoned, its soul yearning

no armies did we lead
no armies did we need
no horses did we ride

an army of two, with sandals
an army of two, without swords

the wind went before us smoothing
our way to the towns and languages
to fields and sentinel farm houses

cities, and temples
cities, and rulers
cities, and governors
cities, and nobles and slaves  and merchants
cities, and noise

we conquered with words and spirit
even our deaths conquered provinces
and kingdoms, hearts

from two on a road we found ourselves
leading hundreds and more, thousands
and more until the empire itself
fit within our hands, the greatest empire
before or since

we destroyed it, some say
we saved it, some say
we saved its soul, we say,
its souls, we say

Tweetspeak Poetry is into epics this month, and posted both a playlist and poetry prompt this week. Check it out and join in the legends, or join in the history.

Photograph: Statue of St. Paul by Adamo Tadolini (1838) outside St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City.

1 comment:

  1. This poem is perfectly named, Glynn! It is epic, indeed!
