Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday Good Reads

J. Alec Motyer didn’t have the name recognition of J.I. Packer, but his contributions to Christian theology were just as important. Terry Johnson recalls the influence of the man who died last week.

If you grew up (like I did) singing “Yankee Doodle” (much to my Confederate-sympathizing grandmother’s chagrin), you might be interested to learn what it actually meant.

In our recent August political primary here in Missouri, I couldn't figure out why George Soros bankrolled a candidate in the City of St. Louis attorney race. Politico has the explanation (and everyone worries about the Koch Brothers).

“The Monuments Men” was a fascinating movie about how a group of artists, art museum curators, and even a few art critics saved and helped repatriate countless artworks looted by the Nazis during World War II. There was another art hero – the director of the Louvre in Paris who had the vision to see what was coming, planned for it, and implemented the plan days ahead of the start of World War II in 1939. One of the works hidden successfully – in five different places – was the “Mona Lisa.”

An Orthodox church holds its last service, a young Christian calls for bringing back prayer meetings, a scientist argues why the public should mistrust science, some good poetry, and a fascinating look at London before the fire of 1666.

Life and Culture

The Macaroni in “Yankee Doodle’ is Not What You Think – Michael Waters at Atlas Obscura.

Why the Public Should Mistrust Science – Dr. Tom Hartsfield at Real Clear Science.

George Soros' quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system - Scott Bland at Politico.


The Bestsellers: More than a Carpenter – Tim Challies at Informing the Reforming.

Did Gandalf Rescue Evangelicals? – Samuel D. James.

Bring Back the Church Prayer Meeting – Megan Hill at The Gospel Coalition.

An Orthodox Story Ends – Rod Dreher at American Conserrvative.

J. Alec Motyer: A Personal Remembrance – Terry Johnson at Reformation 21.



Learning About Vocation – Dr. Steven Garber at The Washington Institute.

Art and Photography


A poem is a poem is a poem – Mary Harwell Sayler at The Poetry Editor.

Dear Weeping Jeremiah – Tim Good at Pics, Poems, and Ponderings.

Take, Strike, and Speak – John Blase at The Beautiful Due.

London Before the Fire of 1666 – Pudding Lane Productions

Painting: Man reading newspaper, oil on canvas by Vincent Van Gogh.


  1. Thank you, Glynn, for including my "Poem is a poem..." in your post. God bless.

  2. Fascinating video reproduction of Old London
