Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday Good Reads

In 1955, someone in a used bookstore in San Francisco discovered a hand-annotated copy of a 1911 book, Platitudes in the Making. It was written by a disciple of Nietzsche and Fabian socialism. It was hand-annotated by G.K. Chesterton. Trevin Wax has the story on Chesterton’s common sense.

We knew that Edgar Allen Poe wrote poetry and crime / horror stories, and Dorothy Sayers wrote poetry, translated Dante, and wrote the Lord Peter Wimsey murder mysteries. But did you know that Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote poetry? Or that Jorges Luis Borges and Kingsley Amis wrote crime stories? Crime Reads has a list. 

Speaking of crime reads, mysteries and thrillers are becoming the most popular books sold, says The Guardian.

Jared Wilson on moral failure at church, Tim Challies argues for reading a print Bible, Bradley Birzer on America and progressivism, a home movie video that I found to be one of the most moving things I’ve seen lately, good poetry, and more.


The Sea Here, Teaching Me– Moira Linehan at Image Journal.

From the Grave– Tim Good at Photography by Tiwago.

Clarify Me, Please, God of the Galaxies– Dana Gioia  at First Things.

The lampposts– Troy Cady at T(r)oy Marbles.


Max Bruch: The Romantic Composer You’ve Never Heard (Enough) Of– Terez Rose at The Imaginative Conservative.

British Stuff

Writing and Literature

The perfect crimes: why thrillers are leaving other books for dead– Henry Sutton at The Guardian(Hat Tip: J of India).


The Skirt of God– Christianna Peterson at Image Journal.

We Need Counter-Cultural Common Sense– Trevin Wax at The Gospel Coalition. 

Why You Should Study Theology– Scott Slayton at One Degree to Another.

Life and Culture

The Devil’s Abyss: America’s Descent into Progressivism– Bradley Birzer at The Imaginative Conservative. 

Can My Phone Love Me?– Samuel D. James at Letters & Liturgy. 

Art and Photography

The Equation Church– Chris Naffziger at St. Louis Patina.

Dust in the Wind (1977)

Painting: Portrait of a Man Reading, oil on canvas attributed to Joseph Wright of Derby, Temple Newsam House, Leeds Museum and Galleries, UK. 

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