Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday Good Reads

I occasionally give universities and education in general some grief in this space, so it’s only fair to note a story by Jerry Adams at The Educator’s Room. He lists 10 things teachers did not have to deal with 10 years ago. Like mobile phones. At the school where I occasionally do substitute teaching, students have to park their cell phones in a wall “pouch pack” during class. Smart.

John Copenhaver at CrimeReads suggests a reason for the popularity of crime fiction. The story usually ends in closure. And The Guardian asked crime writers to name a favorite novel. One, Scotland’s Ian Rankin, picked Bleak House by Charles Dickens.

Alastair Roberts is a theologian in the north of England who actually gives theology a good name – he makes it approachable for the rest of us. He writes on all kinds of topics, and he’s a frequent speaker both in the UK and the U.S. What couldn’t help but catch my eye was a recent post called “Priest, King, Prophet.” (I have a novel called Dancing Priest, and one called Dancing King. Perhaps he knew the working title for the next one is Dancing Prophet?)

Should every writer read poetry? Yes, says literary agent Janet Reid. And a field guide to how to stay in church, a map pf London slang, Chopin for everyone, David Rupert on why Jesusis for losers, where Nutella came from, and more. 

Life and Culture

10 Things Teachers DID NOT Have to Deal With 10 Years Ago– Jeremy Adams at The Educators Room. 

Handicapping History– Joseph Woodard at The Imaginative Conservative.

Writing and Literature

Why every writer should read poetry– Janet Reid, Literary Agent. 

Top crime writers choose their perfect crime– The Guardian (Hat Tip: J of India).

Why Christian Bookstores Are in Decline– Sarah Boll at Marketing Christian Books.

British Stuff

The Map of London Slang– Spitalfields Life.

Scotland’s Evangelical Island Gets Its First Mosque– Danny Webster at Christianity Today


How to Stay in Church: A Field Guide– Aaron Smith at Altarwork.

Jesus is for losers (Count me in)– David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.

Why Do I Keep Returning to The Lord of the Rings?– Zak Schmoll at Entering the Public Square.

Sowing the Seeds of Love– ED at Image Journal.

Priest, King, Prophet– Alastair Roberts at Alastair’s Adversaria. 


Jeff Gundy’s “Calm Sunday in Klaipeda”– D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

Three American Poets: Dickinson, Frost, and Stevens– A Conversation with Mark Bauerlein at First Things Magazine.

Listening – Tim Good at Naked Alien.


Chopin for Everyone– Terez Rose at The Imaginative Conservative.

Art and Photography

Dust up– Ton Darin Liskey via Facebook.

Nutella – the Miracle of WW2

Painting: Young Man Reading, oil on canvas by Isidore Alexandre Augustin Pils (1813-1875)

1 comment:

  1. Love the priest, king, prophet coincidence, or is it rather, a God-incidence? Sorry I haven't been tweeting lately, but just got back in town.
    Blessings, Glynn!
