Saturday, May 12, 2018

Saturday Good Reads

When I write, I usually am sitting at my Mac. But there are times when I write in longhand. Elizabeth Sulis at The Millions talks about returning to analog, including using a typewriter and writing by hand.

Otto Penzler of The Mysterious Press and its associated bookstore has been writing a series all week at CrimeReads – exploring various sub-genres of the mystery story, His first was about the traditional mystery. And Barnabas Piper makes a case for reading fiction. 

I love Britain, but there are times when I have to wonder what’s going on. On April 23, three things happened in Britain, one of which was the celebration of a royal birth. The other two were not celebrations at all. K.V. Turley, writing from London for The Imaginative Conservative, asks if Britain is embracing a culture of death. 

Good poetry, good stories on faith, and a long-forgotten story about what happened at a school in Michigan in 1927 – the worst school massacre in U.S. history.

Writing and Literature

What is a Traditional Mystery? – Otto Penzler at CrimeReads.

Six Reasons to Read Fiction – Barnabas Piper at LifeWay Books.

Life and Culture

Moral Courage: What is Our Leadership Responsibility? – Jon Mertz at Thin Difference.

Violence Against Women Begins in the Womb – Elaine Storkey at Christianity Today.

All the Devils Are Here: Britain’s Culture of Death – K.V. Turley at The Imaginative Conservative.

How the Christian Right Discovered Abortion Rights and Transformed the Culture Wars – Justin Taylor interviews Andrew Lewis at The Gospel Coalition.

Art and Photography

Charles Jones, Photographer – Spitalfields Life.


The Habitation Made Desolate: Acts 1:15-26 – Alastair Roberts at Political Theology.

The First Priority – Martha Orlando at Meditations of My Heart.

Rethinking Evangelicals & Catholics Together – Rod Dreher at The American Conservative.


Victor Hugo – D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

Sarah Rose Nordgren’s “Material” – Brian Brodeur at How a Poem Happens.

Ephemerals – Tim Good at Photography by Tiwago.

Halted by Haiku – Tania Runyan at Image Journal.

British Stuff

William Henry Knapp’s Memoir – Spitalfields Life.

The Bath School Massacre in 1927

Painting: Reading Outdoors (1936), oil on canvas by Eugen Spiro (1874 -1972).


  1. Thank you so much, Glynn!!!

  2. i have an app in which i write by hand on my ipad with the special pencil, and it gets turned into type. edits easily.
    i know it’s not the same as pencil on paper. butjust saying.
