Sunday, March 31, 2019

One sheep, lost

After Luke 15:1-10

Amid the murmurs and
the muttering, disdain
for the dirty, the nasty,
the deplorable, the dregs,
the unredeemable,
a story:
one sheep, lost;
ninety-nine sheep, not lost.
Abandon the lost, taking
Solace in the ninety-nine?
Or search for the lost one
leaving the ninety-nine
to fend for themselves.
It’s a choice, freedom of choice,
to choose the one, lost,
seeking the lost, one, until
found, rescued, carried back.
Choose the one, lost,
or the ninety-nine, not lost?

Photograph by Flavio Gasperini via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. This stubborn ewe with a deplorable sense of direction is very grateful for the finding, rescuing, and carrying love.
