Sunday, April 26, 2020

Fleeting thoughts

After Romans 4:13-25

That promise to an old man,
what did he think? His wife
laughed a hollow sound,
because she knew better.
How does an old man
become a father
of many nations?
How does that happen?

He sat there. Overwhelmed.
The exact thing he wanted,
he hoped for, he prayed for,
the thing beyond his grasp,
the hope that could not be
fulfilled, was put before
him, a promise that all
common sense said was
not possible.

He could choose to laugh;
he could choose to shake
his head and move on
to his old man’s life and
death, but, instead, 
he chose to believe,
no matter how ridiculous
it sounded. He believed
the stranger, and it was
counted to him as
as faith.

Photograph by Donald Teel via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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