Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday Good Reads

Mariella Guzzoni at Literary Hub writes about the authors whom artist Vincent Van Gogh loved: Harriet Beecher Stowe, History of the French Revolution (in nine volumes!) by Jules Michelet, Guy de Maupassant, Emile Zola, and the Christmas books of Charles Dickens. Some of these books were even painted in his pictures. If you’re really interested, Guzzoni has a new book on the subject

It was a famous encounter on Key West – poet Wallace Stevens punched Ernest Hemingway in the face. Olivia Rutigliano at CrimeReads. Stevens, in addition to writing poetry, was a vice president of what eventually became known as The Hartford Insurance Company. Stevens was also known to make disparaging remarks by Hemingway as a writer, and Hemingway had had enough. In the confrontation, Stevens through a punch, hitting Hemingway squarely in the jaw and ending the fight. But guess who got hurt?

It is something of a myth that only one civilian died during the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War – a woman baking bread was hit by a stray bullet. But it is exactly that – a myth. Another group of civilians were hunted down and taken prisoner by Confederate forces – African Americans, many of whom had been born in Pennsylvania. Not much is known about what happened to them, but Cooper Wingert at Emerging Civil War has the story.

Poet Mischa Willett, author of Phases and The Elegy Beta, has some suggestions for five contemporary poets every Christian should read, including Scott Cairns, Luci Shaw, and Christian Wiman.

More Good Reads

Writing and Literature

Why Are the Classics Necessary? – Louise Cowan at The Imaginative Conservative.

Wendell Berry and Zoom – Jeffrey Bilbro at Front Porch Republic.

Life and Culture

Masks And Malignant Meritocracy: A Dissent – Rod Dreher at The American Conservative.

News Media


The Brave Stunt That Brought Down Slavery – John Piper at Desiring God.

Overview of the Church in the Twentieth Century – S. Donald Fortson III at Tabletalk.

When You Just Can’t Take It Any Longer – Michele D. Morin at Living Our Days.

Leading with Hope in a Hopeless World – Dr. Andrew Spencer at The Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics.


Dog Dreams – Daniel Leach at The Chained Muse.

Nature’s Melody – Joy Lenton at Poetry Joy.

Three Poems – Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau at IceFloe Press.

Tennyson – Don Shook at Society of Classical Poets.

I’ll Fly Away – HeeHaw, 1973

Painting: A Woman Reading, oil on canvas (1922) by Felix Vallotton (1865-1925).


  1. Thanks for the mention, Glynn!
    Off to check out the article featuring poet Luci Shaw!

  2. I’m honoured to be mentioned, thank you Glynn! And I’m intrigued by the sound of Poet Mischa Willett‘s article about the 5 contemporary poets one should read, especially as I’m already a great fan of Luci Shaw! Now going to check it out... ��
