Friday, February 5, 2021

Deception: him

After Acts 5:1-6

What was he thinking,
to sell a piece of land,
call attention to his gift,
and hold back a part
for himself? Was it
a simple case of having
your cake and eating it,
too, getting full credit
when only partial was
deserved? Did he not
think that those
performing signs and
wonders would not see
what he had done, see
through the deception?
Did he think himself
clever and others
foolish, willing to be
deceived? Deception
was seen immediately,
as if anticipated. Hearing
the condemnation,
he fell down, breathing
his last.

Photograph by Karim Manjra via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Being deceitful always has its consequences. Wonderful poem, Glynn!
