Sunday, April 4, 2021

The magician is schooled

After Acts 8: 14-25

The apostles hear of Samaria’s
rebirth, and two are sent to pray,
to teach, the call upon the holy wind
to descend. They lay their hands
on the people, the holy wind begins 
to blow, the holy fire begins to burn, 
and the magician sees the hands,
sees the power transferred, and 
wants that power, offering money
to buy whatever it is they have.

The magician is told the good news
is not for sale, that if he thinks it is
a commodity to be bought and sold
he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t
get it, and more, he doesn’t have it,
his heart doesn’t get it, he is still
chained by wickedness, saturated 
in gall, and your magic will do you
no good. The way is found and 
followed not by money but 
by the repentance of the heart.

The magician asks for prayer.

Photograph by Jr Korpa via Unsplash. Used with permission.


  1. Prayer . . . Just what the magician needed.
    Happy Easter, Glynn!

  2. Thanks, Martha! Happy Easter to you and Danny!
