Friday, August 20, 2021

That word

After Ephesians 5:21-33

There’s that word:

submission. Horrors!

If there’s one word

contrary to the spirit

of the age, it’s that one.

And worse,

and even worse, 

is the idea of wives

submitting to husbands.

Paul was obviously

displaying his bias here,

an idiot, you say,

for his misogyny, shoving

women into second class. 

Therefore, everything

he said is wrong. Or, 

at the other political

extreme, let’s use 

the verse as a club

to remind wives

of the pecking order. And

so left and right scream

and rant and rave

at each other, doing

exactly the opposite

of what Paul commands:

submit to one another.


Photograph by Casey Horner via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. One of the most misunderstood statements in the New Testament, for sure, Glynn. Submission is not servile, it's love.
