Tuesday, August 10, 2021

When Your Manuscript is Problematic

I knew the manuscript would be tricky. The story is about what flows from a hoax. The hoax itself occupies a tiny part of the story; the ramifications are the story. But I knew this would not be an easy road, especially in today’s cultural climate. I anticipated I would be paddling a canoe against a raging torrent. 

I was not wrong.


I researched my agents. I found one whom I thought would be fair and not reject the manuscript out of hand. The research paid off; the agent gave it a fair reading.


The response: I love the characters. The story is well-paced and compelling. It keeps you engaged all the way to the end. It’s an important story. But none of the publishers we work with would even consider publishing it.


To continue reading, please see my post today at American Christian Fiction Writers.


Photograph by Karla Hernandez via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Glynn! There is a publisher in Bloomington called Author House. Our youth pastor, Ryan, used them. One of our young men wrote a fiction novel (fantasy) that I thought was to be trilogy but I'm thinking he gave up that idea. He used Author House. I would be glad to put you in contact with either of them to find out what their experience was like. Ryan and Hope's book was "A Love Story" about their courting and choice to not even kiss. So there you have two different kinds of books. Just let me know if you need more info.
