Friday, October 15, 2021

Thanksgiving and judgment

After Psalm 122

Odd to think of a city

with a dual nature, 

as if you were telling

two tales of one city.

It was first bound

together, this city,

bound together firmly,

with purpose and intent.

It is a city for giving

thanks, offering

thanksgiving, a destination

reached by a journey,

the place containing

the house, the object

of the journey to the city,

to offer the giving

of thankfulness. And

it is the place of thrones,

where the thrones are set,

the thrones of judgment,

the thrones of the king,

thrones bound together

in judgment, bound 

together in thanksgiving,

judgment and thanksgiving

bound as one.


Photograph by Sander Crombach via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. "Two tales of one city" - love that line, Glynn! Once again, a magnificent poem.
