Wednesday, November 24, 2021

"Emmanuel Poems" by Jody Collins

If you want to find ways to slow down and reflect during the holiday season, Jody Collins just might have something for you. Her new Emmanuel Poems are in invitation to do just that – sit down, turn off the computer, tablet, and phone, and read 10 delightful poems. 

The poems address the season of Advent, how to “prepare him room,” Anna waiting in the temple (Simeon must be away for the moment), the cycle of Jesus’ life, the manger, the star of Bethlehem, the mystery of Jesus’s birth, and more. A lot more.  


Jody Collins

As Collins has done before with her poetry collections, these poems are quiet, thoughtful, and carefully considered. They offer insights into the Biblical accounts of the birth and childhood of the messiah, prompting you to go to a much different place than the commercial holiday we’re so familiar with.


A bonus is the watercolors Collins includes after each poem, artwork that resemble a kind of frosted stained glass.


Collins is the author of Hearts on Pilgrimage: Poems & Prayers and Living the Season wWell: Reclaiming Christmas. A retired teacher, she is both a writer and writing coach. She lives with her family in the Seattle area.


Slow down for the holidays and read Emmanuel Poems. It will do your heart and soul good.




Living the Season Well by Jody Collins.

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