Sunday, December 12, 2021

The word is out

After Mark 2:1-12

The word is out:

the man can heal,

a touch, a look,

a word can dispel

a demon, a disease,

even the most feared

of all, a disease like 

leprosy. And he’s here,

right now, in a home,

right down the street.


The crush is on,

the house is so packed

no one can move

or barely breathe.

Four friends bring

their paralyzed fifth,

unable to move

through the dense crowd,

without a word, they

climb to the roof,

carrying their burden.

Smashing a hole (debris

falling on the crowd 

below), they lower 

the fifth with ropes,

because they believe.


Photograph by Jake Weirick via Unsplash. Used with permission

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