Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"Diary of a Confederate Tarheel Soldier" by Louis Leon

In 1861, Louis Leon was 19, a clerk in a dry goods store in Charlotte, North Carolina. He joined the Charlotte Grays, Company C, First North Carolina Regiment to fight for the South. His brother Jacob joined up at the same time. Louis was a private, and he would remain a private through the duration of the Civil War. 

Fifty-two years later, now an old man, Louis decided that if generals and other officers could publish their diaries about the civil War, he could, too. In 1913, his war-time diary was published as Diary of a Confederate Tarheel Soldier.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Dancing Priest.

(Note: the book cover has the author's name reversed.)


  1. I think this would be an interesting read. I have finished reading a book by Brian Kilmeade on Frederick Douglass and Abe Lincole (The President and the Freedom Fighter) and am about 1/2 through a book on U.S. Grant by Brett Baier. Both have been interesting and eye-openers for me.

  2. Sorry. Abe Lincoln, Dyslexic fingers when typing.
