Friday, April 1, 2022

The betrayal of fear

After Luke 22:54-62

Wanting to be there,

wanting to be anywhere 

else, wanting to see

where they take him,

wanting to be invisible, 

Then three accusations,

three separate people, 

saying you were with

him, you were one 

of them, you were

with him, three

charges hurled, three

accusations denied, 

denials automatic

and reflexive, framed

by fear, no palms

in the road this time,

no cheering for the king,

no hosannas, only

anger rising, seeking

available targets. Then

he meets his eyes,

searing his soul.

The rooster crows

three times.


Photograph by Olesya Yemets via Unsplash. Used with permission.


  1. Wow, what a powerful post! I came here from Martha's site this morning. I was so moved by your comment about Mary having seen Jesus perform miracles before. That is such a good thought, and it got me wishing we had so much more information about Jesus' time here on earth. Thank you for inspiring my thoughts and faith this morning. God bless you.

  2. Peter's denial of Jesus, unlike so many other reports, appears in all four Gospels. Such a shameful situation for Peter, but I can imagine at his insistence, the story was confessed as a testament to Jesus' power to forgive.
    Great poem!
