Sunday, April 10, 2022

The necessary death

After Luke 23:32-49

It had to be, this death,

mandated by heaven.

The innocent nailed

to the tree, placed

between thieves,

listens to them

mocking, gambling

for his clothes,

the elites ridiculing

him, telling him

to save himself,

the soldiers mocking,

telling him to save

himself, and the thief,

mocking, telling him

to save himself, only 

the remaining thief

understanding the death

was necessary, asking 

to be remembered.


The darkness comes

like a wrathful storm. 

The curtain rips, a sign

of departure, He speaks

his last, commending

himself into his father’s

hands. And it is done.

It is finished.

It is accomplished,

this necessary death.


Photograph by Joshua Fuller via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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