Sunday, July 31, 2022

A choice of treasures

After Matthew 6:19-21

We have a choice, it seems,

a choice of treasures,

of which there are 

two distinct kinds. 

On we know well:

the treasures of earth:

money, stocks and

bonds, real estate,

jewels, precious metals,

great works of art, all

of those earthly delights

the provide wealth,

power, ease, security,

obedience, control.

The other is the treasures

of heaven, the ones that

last and endure, the ones

moths cannot destroy,

nor rust corrode, nor

thieves steal, nor hackers

grab and ransom. And it is

a choice, one we can

freely make, a choice that

explains and demonstrates

what matters, where

our heart is.


Photograph by Immo Wegmann via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. A choice that reveals our true heart's desire . . . Beautiful, Glynn!
