Sunday, July 10, 2022

How not to pray

After Matthew 6:5-8

The how-to begins

with an assumption

that you already pray,

contained rather neatly

in the first word

of when you pray.

The assumption is

followed by a how-not-to,

implying that it’s often

done wrong, or that

the most prominent 

examples of prayer are

those that are public,

whether done within

small groups or on

street corners. It’s yet

another example 

of virtue signaling,

and here we in our time

thought we had 

that market cornered.

If that’s how you pray,

then you’ve received

your reward and

your prayer has been

answered, just not

the way you expected.

Or maybe it is.


Photograph by Raphael Nast via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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