Friday, February 10, 2023

Greeting in authority

After Galatians 1:1-15

A letter, a theme

begins with a statement

of authority and, also, 

a little history, a reminder,

rather pointed, not so much

of who he was or his training

and education, but what 

he was, a man called to do

what he was doing, not by 

the authority of friends or

institutions but called

by God. It is a letter

from the man, but it also

on behalf of those with him.

In other words, he’s not 

a lone voice, he has

the calling of God and 

the backing of those

in authority. He speaks

with the authority he’s

been granted. And it’s time

to fasten your seatbelts.


Photograph by Illiya Vjestica via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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