Sunday, March 5, 2023

A ministry obvious

After Galatians 2:1-10

It was dicey, this idea

of taking the word

to the Greeks, those

gentiles uncircumcised,

the people from whom

they’d been called out

and separated from.

This idea of the word

dying and rising even

for them took getting

used to. They all knew

gentiles who’d embraced

the old faith, or lived

according to the tradition;

some even accepted

circumcision. But this

was a new step, a step

into something unknown,

outreach without requiring

strict adherence to the old,

outreach to Greeks,

foreigners, gentiles, unclean.

And yet the course was

clear, and cleared,

the former persecutor

blessed to proceed. And

everything would change.


Photograph by Giorgio Encinas via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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